Kamis, 23 Desember 2010


Life is a choice

Life is a choice, life is a challenge, life is a struggle, life is a test, life is a full temptation, life is to shared. That is a piece a lessons from journey of my life. When class of Senior High School, I got rank in class. I try to be Science Knowledge is better than Social Knowledge. I extracted to be on Science class. Finally, I can do it. After somedays studied in there, I feel difficullt. Science lesson is very difficult. It must study hard, must know very well about abbreviation and often do exercise the matters. I believe I can do it.
Not long after that, I back get a test. My father got accident, his foot was broken. Alhamdulillah, my father can be safe. We are very sad, looks my father sick groan. I want to near him, to make care him. I don't have consent to study. I;m lazy and I often don't homework. I'm be closed. When the result study, I'm shocked, looks my grade was bad. I'm not got rank in class. I'm very disappointed and very much regret that matters. I don't share my problem with teachers or friends. While, if I sharing with teacher or friends may be there are much solutions. I got spirit from their.
I n semester 2, I'm  study hard, very concent, and I'm success. I got rank in class again until class of 12. But, I'm failed to received PMDK.T here are 1 semester not rank.
The end Senior High S chool, I'm decided to not continue to university. I want to work. I want to stand alone. I'm not made difficulty my parents. I look some vagancy in everywhere, in newspapers, and post office. Many companies ask for hand of, but there are not called out time. Finally, my friend gave me information to job. It is in GAMA study courseas Administration Staff. This job is full time from 7 am until 6 pm. I like this job because I like to serves students, teachers, guests, and worker other. I got much experience from thisjob. I will to work very well.
When I go to work, on pass by UNP, I lokked many people back and forth in campus. May beone the others are my friends. Emerged ask for me. They are very lucky, while I'm not.I'm positive thinking someday I study in here,too. UNP is craves greatly campus. I must to saving much money.
The next one year, I follow SNMPTN test, but the notification one month again. July,2009,there is election the best administration staff. Alhamdulilah, I elected to be the test. I got a grand prize from the leader. I have a wayto tour to Jakarta.Go to Peak, shopping in Blok M, Safari Park,UI, IPB,and Bogor. I'm very happy. I tried all modes ther. Tornado is very scary for me. I don't believe it. I have a way to try it. Usually, I just look on TV.I'm very happy. I gave thanks to Allah.
When notification SNMPTN DAY, 2009,1 August,I go to work faster. I'm buy newspaper. Very disappointed,I'm failed. Ther is not my name in there. I'm sad.I'm not consent to work. My colleagues give me spirit and support don't be surrended.There is one opportunity again.
The next one year, I doubt to follow SNMPTN.I'm pessimistic. I don't know the lesson when Senior High School again. My father give me suport but my mom don't. She is orderedto still work.
I want not to just graduate Senior High School. Because, it have not good job., little sallary, low visible. I have potensial in my self. I want to use it. Since Elementary School, I very extracted with Enlish lessons. I'm sorry mom, I will do it. Although you don't give me support. Beside that, there are problems from my work place. My leader don't give me permission to do following SNMPTN test. Oh my god, it's make very dizzy and sick. What's wrongwith my leader?. I will still do SNMPTN test.I think may be there are lucky in the years. It's my feeling.
When  I will go to the test, I'm VERY SAD. bECAUSE MY MOTHER face don't care for me. Oh mom, I will be real it, I will be success on the test. I will make you proud of me. I always remember with her when the test. It's give me spirit to answer the questions. Finally, I slip a way in English Literature in UNP. Until now, my mother not yet to support me to study.But, it not made me down and surrended. Sorry mom, I like English very much. I'm promise, I will to study hard.I will make you proud of me to be success. I will to real, If I'm success I will make you happy with me. I have plan to have a pat time job. In order that, not make difficulty my parents. 

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