Selasa, 24 Mei 2011


Making candle

When the electricity off, we need something to be lighting. There are several kinds og lighting. Some of them are lamp emergency, center, and many other. A Candle is a simple lighting. It is a solid block of fuel (commonly wax) and an embedded wick, which is lit to provide light, and sometimes heat. This is really quick and simple to make it. You will save enough so much money.

There are several ingredients to make candle. They are wax, wick, and essential oil. All these materials are available from craft shop. Today, most candles are made from paraffin. Candles can also be made from beeswax, soy, other plant waxes, and tallow (a by-product of beef-fat rendering). Gel candles are made from a mixture of paraffin and plastic.

After prepare the ingredients, we should prepare the tools that we need. They are moulds, dye discs, double boiler, saucepan, pyres jug, sturdy can, and in a pot of water.

The first step to make candle is melt the wax. All wax has a flash point, so to prevent it bursting into flames; you must melt it in a double boiler, with water in the bottom pan. After that, add a few drops of essential oil to the melted wax. Next, pour the wax into the mould quickly, all in one go, to minimize spillage and air bubbles. Then, release the bubbles make the candle sink, top it up with more melted wax. Finally, after four or five hours, the candle taken out of it moulds. Your candle is now already for display. Remember, you must always leave it for a day before lighting it.

Candle is simple lighting. This is really quick and simple to make it. . In the developed world today, candles are used mainly for their aesthetic value and scent, particularly to set a soft, warm, or romantic ambiance, and for emergency lighting during electrical power failures. Scented candles are used in aromatherapy. The liquid wax is hot and can cause skin burns, but the amount and temperature are generally rather limited and the burns are seldom serious. The best way to avoid getting burned from splashed wax is to use a candle snuffer instead of blowing on the flame. A candle snuffer is usually a small metal cup on the end of a long handle. When placed over the flame the oxygen supply is cut off. They were used daily when the candle was the main source of lighting a home, before electric lights were available.


Aqiqah ceremony

Every mother in the world feels happy when they gave birth of a new baby.A baby is a gift from God. In Islam, A father Moslem must takes the baby into his arms and whispers. If the mother gave birth a son, their father must call to prayer Adzans into the baby’s right ear. So, that is the first word the child hears is “there is only one God”. If she gave birth a daughter, their father must call to prayer Iqamah. Iqamah is a slightly modified version of the adzan. It is a whispered in to the left ear of the baby.

The unique one is the oldest or most respected relative must give a small piece of mashed date, sugar or honey to the baby’s mouth. It is a symbol the wisher and prayers of the family for the baby to have a sweet pleasant life and full of goodness.

The baby will be named by an elderly family member such as grandfather, grandmother or the parents. The baby names may be given according to the parent race. For example, if the parents are from North Sumatera. They gave their race name at the baby’s name. Many parents is given the baby’s  name from Al-Qur’an or the companions of the Prophet Muhammad such as Alif. Alif  means; the first letter in the Arabic alphabet. The second one is Abdullah. Abdullah means; the servant of God. Receiving a good name is considered to be a fundamental right due to the baby from their parents.

Seven days after the birth, the parents hold an Aqiqah ceremony. The aqiqah ceremony usually prepared a sheep or a goat as a meal the family, friends, and the poor in the neighborhood the baby’s hair is shaved and traditionally the shaved hairs weight in silver or gold is given to the poor as charity. This immediately connects the child with the community as well as being a symbol of the child’s life long commitment to the poor.

The practice of these religious customs around birth depends largely on the commitment of the parents to Islam, their knowledge of the religion, and the economic status. Aqiqah ceremony is one of the requisition from Allah.


I Hope They Love Me too

The wonderful thing in life is love. Love is a fine thin. We do not can see it, but we can feel it. Love is a feeling that can make someone happy, sad, and disappointed even love can make someone be crazy. Truthfully of love it makes an advantages to the couples fall in love. The give support each other. They want to make a person who they love will be happy life together with them

The amazing of love that never dies is my parent’s love. Their loves are very big and uncountable. My father is earned living to family. He does never tire to do it. He really loves his daughters. Although he did not got a son but he never complain. My sisters and I really love him. He taught us to be independent, discipline, honesty, and responsibility. He also remember us to be modesty and being a good Muslim. When I was a child, I always followed my father went somewhere. I could not forget the sweet moment. I went to Medan with him. We visited many excited places in Medan.

My mother is the best for me. She always give loves us. She had grown up us. She taught educate attitudes to be a good girl. My mother is the best chef in the world. Her cooking is so delicious. I think my father chose my mother because her cooking is so delicious. Now, she got seven daughters, but not one of us who can cook like her. I would good cooking too. I wish make my parent proud of me. I wish go to Hajj with parenT.

In my neighborhood, I also feel love and attentions from some people. They are my dear friends. I have many friends. I really love them. I hope they love me too. We are support and share each other. Vanny and Yoka are my dear friends. We have been a good friend since Junior High School. Vanny is a female University in STMIK JAYANUSA in Padang. She is majoring in computer communications. Yoka is a the best friend. She is humoris girl. Yoka and I was studied together before final test. I was so sad when she pass away when September 30 2009. She was in STBA PRAYOGA. I don’t believe that she go far a way for me. May be it is the best for her.  I always remember you my dear friend.

The most important is love to Allah. We should do all of requisition, and do not all of prohibition from Allah. If we do that, Allah would be more love. A life will be have meaning if there are loves and it will be more beautiful if we can make who we
Loves feel happy. We should being a good Muslim.



This is Me on My Journey

I would like to introduce about my self. My name is Febriana Surti Pane. Everyone calls me Ana. This is a cute name. My father gave that name. He said,” my name has a means”. Febriana means; I was born on February and everyone calls me Ana. Surti means; combinations from my parent’s name. Pane means; it is my race family members. We are from North Sumatera. After my parent got married about 26 years ago, they were move from Medan to Padang. I was born February 01 1990.

I have big and brown eyes. I have pointed nose. I have long and black hair. i am 150 tall and 148 weight. It is not propos ional body for girl. Although, I am not a tall girl, but many boys says that I am beautiful. The most important is inner beauty. I am a lucky girl, because I have good smile and the boys like that.

I have some hobbies are singing, dancing, listening to music, and watching TV.  I can stay in front of TV in a day. I like watching cartoon, sinema, game show, and ghossip infotainment. One day, my mother was angry, because I was sat and do not help her to cooking. I just couch potato until night in front of TV. It is so bad, I promise it won’t happen again. I like listening musics. I like Indonesian pop music. My favorite band is “Ungu”. I know all of Ungu’s songs.I like some western pop musics are Justin bieber, michael Jackson, celine dion, milley cyrus, and avril lavrigne. While I listen to music, I often dance have fun with my self.

  I live with my parent at Padang Sarai village near my Senior High School. I graduated in SDN 28 Padang Sarai in Padang, SMPN 26 in Padang, and SMAN 8 in Padang. Now, I am a female student at State University of Padang. I am majoring in Department of English Literature. I really love English. When I was in Elementary School, I asked my father to registered at a English Study Course, but he did not have some money to pay it.

Actually, I am very sad with my family economy. My father is a laborer. He just get a few salary. It does not enough to pay the expenses all his daughters. I have 6 sisters and no brother. He must give us some money to school. My mother is a house wife. Fortunately, I did not report my parent. Since, I was in Junior High School until Senior High School I received scholarships from my schools. I was very happy when I got good mark in Senior High School final exam. I think I am not really smart, but I have a big wish. I would success in the future.

After my Senior High School graduated, I was not continuing to University. I worked in GAMA Study Course. I also got educations and new friends there. I received an award because I was a good Staff Administration. I went to Jakarta with my leader. I have been success SNMPTN Test in 2010. it is the last chance I followed SNMPTN Test. Now, I still have cooperation. Sometimes, I help GAMA team to promotion about GAMA in many schools in Padang. My big wish is I would my leader recruit me to teach in GAMA.

I have been study at English Literature about 7 months. I enjoy my English. Although, it is a little bit hard. I always practice my English with somepeople. I wish I get much knowledge about English and get best grade in my graduation. Actually, my priority during study in the college are I will get much knowledge then I can share it to other people. The second one is I will get much experiences and relations to get jobs early. My life motto is “I will do the best what I can do”. A happiness will be achieve if we fight, work hard, and pray to God. So, I suggest to the readers do not surrender before you hard work to get your dreams. Nothing impossible, if you have big wish too do it seriously and  never give up.



I Would be Like Them

People have their Idol. They usually imitate their Idols, especially the successful Idols. What people usually imitate from their Idols are the style, the attitude, the way of thinking, and etc. They have to know that not all of the Idol styles are good. For example, many actresses and actors wear clothes that are not suitable with the cultures as East people. They implicated on free sex and fall in to a trap in Narcotics case.

Based on my opinion, the people who can call as an Idol is someone who gives positive effects in everything. For me, success person in their life are my Idols, because they give me motivations to work hard in achieving my goal. One of them is from Indonesian actress, Shinna Sherina Munaf. She is a great girl who has big achievements. She is very good play piano. She had has many albums that she created. She is a popular singer and also a movie star. Her first film is “Petualangan Sherina”. I really like it. I am collecting Sherina’s photos. Although, she also focuses her education while she enhances her carier.

 The second one is Alyssa Soebandono. I amazed with her. She is a beautiful girl. I like her hair and smile. She has star in many films. One of her films is “Inikah Rasanya”. It was popular when I was in junior high school. I like Alyssa’s acting in this film. Alyssa continued her study in Australia. Of course, many her fans to be disappointed, because they have not see their idol. However, he has time to come to Indonesia when she take vacation from her college. How a extra ordinary girl, we proper be like Alyssa. She used her free time to do anything to her talent.

In addition, one of my friends becomes my inspiration, because her smartness. She always gets achievements in her study such as getting a scholarship to study in University in Cairo, Makkah. She is a good Al-Qur’an reader. Her story is so interesting for me and make me believe that I can do the best for me and my family like what my friend have done.

What I learn form Sherina, Alyssa, and my friend is I have to struggle to do what I like to do. I think that is the best for me because life is choice. I believe that nothing impossible. If we hard working to get it and pray to God. So, let’s we fight to get goal in life.